sábado, 4 de febrero de 2023





To begin with, the teacher enables the observation of an image of the universe on the student platform where he will identify its characteristics.


Each student will have a section where he will write what he observes in the image.

Based on the above, the teacher explains the universe where it is established that:

The Universe is everything that exists, everything that we can touch, feel, perceive, measure or detect. It encompasses living things, planets, stars, galaxies, dust clouds, light, and even time. The Universe is made up of galaxies and inside galaxies there are planets, satellites, bodies, stars, gas, cosmic dust and nebulae. Our galaxy is called the Milky Way.

Within the Milky Way is our Solar System, which is a system of planets and other astronomical objects (satellites, comets, meteors, etc.) that revolve in orbit around a single star, the Sun. This star is very important for that there is life on earth because it gives us light and heat. Our planet Earth is part of this Solar system.

Now he presents how his creation was under the big bang theory:

Although there are many theories about how the universe was created, the best known is the Big Bang or the Big Bang. It was produced many years ago (between 10 and 20 billion) and until then nothing existed. It is a good way to tell them how the universe for children was created.

That explosion created a cloud of very hot dust, which grew and grew until it formed the universe. In some places, the dust cloud was forming stars and planets, which in turn created galaxies.

Finally, the teacher leaves this reference video for the activities to be presented by the student:



After the feedback, the teacher will leave two activities where in each of them he will help his students so that they can solve them, and thus eradicate the doubts of the students and then they will talk about what they have seen, relating what was done in the initial activity.

1.      In the first activity established by the teacher, he wants his students to relate in a better way with the universe they inhabit, so he entrusts his students with the realization of our solar system, taking into account that it is the part of the universe that which we currently have scope, for his part the teacher guides his students in the realization of their solar system, the teacher asks for a lot of disposition and creativity, in this way he seeks that the students relate to each of the planets, stars, black holes and else. It also states that the realization of this solar system will be mandatory and that it represents a high percentage in the final grade.



2.      In the second activity, the teacher begins, mentioning that in this link he will find a solar system where he will ask him to select the planet that he tells him. The teacher helps with the first 3 and directs the rest through riddles for students to match to the correct planet.




The teacher seeks to guide the students, using the following phrases:


Jupiter is the biggest.


Saturn has rings.


Mercury is the closest to the sun.


Uranus comes after Saturn.


1.      The students will relate the celestial bodies with their respective names..

2.      Complete with the name of the planets, according to the order in which they revolve around the Sun. Color the planets and the Sun.


3.      Guess the celestial body:


Earth satellite.


Red planet.


Planet with rings


Planet that follows after Mercury.


Largest star in our galaxy.



4.      Complete the following sentences as appropriate using the key words.




The big bang explosion produced _______, stars, universes, galaxies.


The planet earth consists of more ______ than land.


The ______ provides heat to all the planets in our galaxy.


The solar _________ consists of 8 planets.

          Planet _________ is the third in the solar system.




For this stage, students develop the evaluation activity from educaplay. The teacher leaves the link in the activities forum so that it can be resolved after carrying out each activity proposed for the class, he also states that each student has 3 attempts to complete the evaluation and that the highest grade will be taken into account.








Fraser Cain. (18 november 2013). What is The Evidence For The Big Bang? [Video Archive]. Youtube. https://youtu.be/xtrYF_hxxUM

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